Hints for the novice; by Joe Dunn 1935
Hints for the novice; by Joe Dunn 1935
Hints for the novice; by Joe Dunn 1935
1. Exhibitors should not be in too great a hurry to *get there*. Knowledge can be aquired by actual experience and by paying for such. Experience is undoubtedly the best, and by gaining this slowly the desired object is more quickly achieved
2. When starting in the fancy go to someone of repute, state your wants and the price you are prepared to pay. You will be advised honestly and your foundation will be sound.
3. Purchase only good strains
4. Dont go to extremes in size, some judges like big ones, whilst others like to put up little ones, a 34 pund stafford is a safe size
5. Go to shows as often as you can, getting your terriers to show themselves requires great patience. A good terrier will ruin its chances by being aggressive or shy
6. Follow the judging and try to understand it and pick out for yourself the merits and faults in the exhibits
7. Be unscrupulously clean in your kennels. Give your dog plenty of freedom
8. Dont put too much faith in the opinions of your friends, take your dog to a show, enter in one class, you will then get the opinions of an expert. After the judging is over ask the judge his opinion as to the faults and the good points of your dog. You will find he will readily give you his opinion
9. If you intend breeding and have secured a bitch, try mating her with a dog that will correct her faults. Do not think the successful show dog is bound to be more a successful sire, it is much better to mate her to a proved sire, also make sure the dog is sound
10. Feeding is a big item where the general health of the dog is concerned, each owner has his own way as to the feeding of his dog.