
Eleveuse passionnée depuis plus de 20 ans, comportementalisme éducatr...
Benefits of Swimming for dogs...
Benefits of Swimming for dogs...Benefits of Swimming for dogs...benefits of swimming for dogs.Swimming involves the use of almost all the muscles required for movement, withou...
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier by Phil Drabble...
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier by Phil Drabble...STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIERBy PHIL DRABBLE.Like most of the worthwhile things in life, a good Stafford is not attained without...
Origins of the Staffordshire bull terrier
Origins of the Staffordshire bull terrierOrigins of the Staffordshire bull terrierBy Fred PhillipsThe origins of the Staffordshire bull Terrier have never been told. Although...
The Staffy Bull by Charles Barker (poem)
The Staffy Bull
Staffie, loi et cetera ...
Staffie, loi et cetera ... Dans la loi est indiquée en 2ème catégorie une race le "Staffordshire Terrier" qui même si la terminologie ressemble à celle du "Staffordshire...
Hints for the novice; by Joe Dunn 1935
Hints for the novice; by Joe Dunn 1935Hints for the novice; by Joe Dunn 193570 years on and theres still some sound advice here wink-)( *thumb*1. Exhibitors should not be in t...
The SBT Body by John F Gordon
The SBT Body by John F GordonThe body should be close coupled, with a level topline, wide front, deep brisket and well sprung ribs, being rather light in the loinsthe body of...
The development of the Bulldog
The development of the BulldogAn examination of plates, books, and documents shows that the bulldog, as it is to-day, is indeed the astonishing achievement of the breeder's ar...
The Rendorn Kennel
The Rendorn KennelNorman and Dorothy Berry registered` there Rendorn affix in 1965. They had been active in breeding Staffords in partnership with there friend Mr Norman Entw...
The Rellim story... by Jack Miller
The Rellim story... by Jack MillerI was introduced to the 1949 by a seventeen year old girl who was eventually to become my wife. Therse, was always known by Terry by...
Second to Alan Greenwood
Second to Alan GreenwoodThis is the essence of my article,you should relise that guarding property is not computerd into the mind of our breed but fighting another a...
WHY DO WE WORSHIP THE BULL AND SACRIFICE THE TERRIERI think that the old-timers such as Cockney Charlie Lloyd, Joe Dunn, H.N. Beilby, Joe Mallen, and J.T. Barnard would think...
COLOUR CONUNDRUM IN THE U.K.COLOUR CONUNDRUM IN THE U.K. Some while ago I wrote an article about the gradual disappearance, or rarity of the S.B.T. traditional colour of Brind...
Interesting old text
Interesting old textSomeone once told me ‘Dare to overcome the pretense of common discretion, and prioritize the standard elements of the Stafford’s makeup according to his i...
Wise words
Wise wordsRaymond H. Oppenheimer wrote: 1. Remember that the animals you select for breeding today will have an impact on the breed for many years to come. Keep that thought...
Interesting article; black hair follicular dysplasia
Interesting article; black hair follicular dysplasiaInteresting article; black hair follicular dysplasiarelated terms: black hair follicular dysplasiaWhat is follicular dyspla...
Genetics of coat colour and type in dogs
Genetics of coat colour and type in dogs
Color Dilution Alopecia
Color Dilution AlopeciaColor Dilution AlopeciaTeri Dickinson, DVM Alopecia (hair loss) related to dilute coat color is a recognized condition in dogs. The currently accepted m...
Hip Dysplasia
Hip DysplasiaRon Hines DVM PhD 4/29/06Hip Dysplasia is a common problem in my practice. Scientific articles that discuss canine hip dysplasia refer to it as CHD. Hip dysplasi...
The Old Original Standard - England 1935-
The Old Original Standard - England 1935- The Old Original Standard- England 1935 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------General App...
Standard Amendment
Standard AmendmentStandard AmendmentThe joint meeting of Staffordshire Bull Terrier Specialist Clubs was held on Saturday, July 26th, 1952, at Birmingham, following the Staffo...
The Colour Liver
The Colour LiverThought to be due to the Whippet crosses used years ago. The Blue also is thought to be due to this cross, the Black and Tan due to the Manchester Terrier ....
Speaking Dog. What's your dog saying?
Speaking Dog. What's your dog saying?Speaking Dog. What's your dog saying?One of the most common mistakes owners can make with their dogs is to misread what the dog is saying...
Staffordshire Bull terrier - Divers informations
Staffordshire Bull terrier - Divers informationsStaffordshire Bull TerrierDescriptionThe Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a powerful and muscular dog, very strong for his size wi...
Le mental de nos compagnons
Le mental de nos compagnonsExtrait du magazine "Chien courant" Avril 2009Le mental de nos compagnonsUn élément primordial !La sélection des sujets mis à la reproduction passe...
L’alimentation du chien de sport
L’alimentation du chien de sport Extrait du magazine "Chien courant" Avril 2009L’alimentation du chien de sportPar le professeur Moraillon, ancien directeur de l’Ecole Nationa...
Breeding Terms explained
Breeding Terms explained Breeding Terms explained Brian le Mar 28 Avr - 16:40Whenever two or three dog fanciers get together there is almost sure to be talk about line bree...
Les médecines naturelles et nos chiens
Les médecines naturelles et nos chiensLes médecines naturellesLes médecines naturelles, dites encore holistiques (du grec 'holos', entier) présentent la particularité de ne p...
The seven stage apprenticeship for breeders.
The seven stage apprenticeship for breeders.The seven stage apprenticeship for breeders. Author UnknownThe Beginner:....Doing everything wrong. Buying wrong. Feeding wrong. T...
Diverses disciplines sportives
Diverses disciplines sportivesL'AgilityL'agility est une discipline gérée par la CNEA (Commission Nationale d'Education et d'Agility), organisme dépendant de la SCC (Société C...
Physiologie du chien de sport et de travail
Physiologie du chien de sport et de travailPhysiologie du chien de sport et de travailIntroductionL'effort physique provoque chez le chien un certain nombre de modifications p...
Old Tyme breeder
Old Tyme breeder The return of the British Bull breed.Like a lot of great things in the world of today such as football, rugby, cricket or the Queensbury rules, the history of...
Revised standard for The Bulldog
Revised standard for The BulldogGeneral Appearance Smooth-coated, fairly thick set, rather low in stature, broad, powerful and compact. Head, fairly large in proportion to siz...
A Little Pit History
A Little Pit HistoryThe Blood SportsBlood sports were so much a part of daily life in England that around 1800, in the town of Wednesbury in Staffordshire county, church bells...
Le coups de chaleur chez le chien
Le coups de chaleurCoups de chaleur Eloignez le chien de la source de chaleur. Nettoyez la salive de la gueule pour faciliter la respiration et épongez la face avec de l'eau f...
L'huile d'olive : propriétés et vertues
L'huile d'olive : propriétés et vertues LES PROPRIÉTÉS DE L’HUILE D’OLIVECes dernières années, les scientifiques se sont penchés sur les vertus de la diète méditerranéenne et...
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider VinegarIs good for the following;Fighting infectionsArthritis/hip displasiaMetabolism/weightPurifying cellsConstipation/scouringMuscle crampKidney failure/urinary...
Aliments toxiques chez le chien
Aliments toxiques chez le chien
La socialisation du chien
La socialisation du chien La socialisation du chienLa socialisation de votre chien passe aussi bien par son bon comportement avec les membres de la famille que par sa civilité...
Huile de saumon
Huile de saumonL'huile de saumon contient de nombreux omégas 3 essentiels pour divers fonctions de l'organisme des chiens . Ces acides gras sont essentiels pour une croissance...
Recettes de Biscuits pour chiens ^^ !
Recettes de Biscuits pour chiens ^^ !Biscuits à chiensIngrédients:2 tasses de farine tout usage1 tasse de semoule de maïs1/4 tasse de germe de blé2. c. thé de boeuf en poudre1...
La croissance du chiot
La croissance du chiot La croissance du chiotVotre chiot subit d'énormes changements entre le jour de sa naissance et le moment où il devient adulte, vers l'âge d'un ou deux...
Les pellicules chez le chien
Les pellicules chez le chien Les pellicules chez le chienpar Jacinthe Godin, Tech. en santé animale, Toiletteur caninLes pellicules sont un problème fréquent chez le chien au...
Différences morphologiques am staff/ pit/ staffies
Différences morphologiques am staff/ pit/ staffies
Les qualités d''un bon maître
Les qualités d''un bon maîtreSûreté de soi Vous savez ce que vous voulez de votre compagnon et comment l'obtenir. Face à lui, vous ne jouez pas les bravaches car vous connaiss...
Les 10 commandements du bon maître.
Staffordshire Bull terrier Mag - Premier numéro - parution 5 Octobre
Staffordshire Bull Terrier MagSommaire du mag . Editorial Chris et Brian présentation de notre asso et de ce nouveau magazine. . Traduction de l'article d'une éleveu...